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Get a background by index.


Every story has a beginning. Your character's background reveals where you came from, how you became an adventurer, and your place in the world. Choosing a background provides you with important story cues about your character's identity. [SRD p60]

Note: acolyte is the only background included in the SRD.

Path Parameters
index string REQUIRED

Possible values: [acolyte]

The index of the background to get.



index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

starting_proficiencies object[] OPTIONAL

Starting proficiencies for all new characters of this background.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

starting_equipment object[] OPTIONAL

Starting equipment for all new characters of this background.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

starting_equipment_options object OPTIONAL


desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
language_options object OPTIONAL


desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
feature object OPTIONAL

Special feature granted to new characters of this background.

name string OPTIONAL
desc string[] OPTIONAL
personality_traits object OPTIONAL

Choice of personality traits for this background.

ideals object OPTIONAL


desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
bonds object OPTIONAL


desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
flaws object OPTIONAL


desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL