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Get a class by index.


A character class is a fundamental part of the identity and nature of characters in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. A character's capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses are largely defined by its class. A character's class affects a character's available skills and abilities. [SRD p8-55]

Path Parameters
index string REQUIRED

Possible values: [barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock, wizard]

The index of the class to get.



index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

hit_die number OPTIONAL

Hit die of the class. (ex: 12 == 1d12).

class_levels string OPTIONAL

URL of the level resource for the class.

multi_classing object OPTIONAL


prerequisites object[] OPTIONAL

List of prerequisites that must be met.

ability_score object OPTIONAL


index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

minimum_score number OPTIONAL

Minimum score to meet the prerequisite.

prerequisite_options object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of prerequisites to meet for.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
proficiencies object[] OPTIONAL

List of proficiencies available when multiclassing.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

proficiency_choices object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of proficiencies that are given when multiclassing.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
spellcasting object OPTIONAL


level number OPTIONAL

Level at which the class can start using its spellcasting abilities.

info object[] OPTIONAL

Descriptions of the class' ability to cast spells.

name string OPTIONAL

Feature name.

desc string[] OPTIONAL

Feature description.

spellcasting_ability object OPTIONAL

Reference to the AbilityScore used for spellcasting by the class.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

spells string OPTIONAL

URL of the spell resource list for the class.

starting_equipment object[] OPTIONAL

List of equipment and their quantities all players of the class start with.

quantity number OPTIONAL
equipment object OPTIONAL


index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

starting_equipment_options object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of starting equipment.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
proficiency_choices object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of starting proficiencies.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
proficiencies object[] OPTIONAL

List of starting proficiencies for all new characters of this class.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

saving_throws object[] OPTIONAL

Saving throws the class is proficient in.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

subclasses object[] OPTIONAL

List of all possible subclasses this class can specialize in.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.