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Get multiclassing resource for a class.

Get multiclassing resource for a class.

Path Parameters
index string REQUIRED

Possible values: [barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock, wizard]

The index of the class to get.



prerequisites object[] OPTIONAL

List of prerequisites that must be met.

ability_score object OPTIONAL


index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

minimum_score number OPTIONAL

Minimum score to meet the prerequisite.

prerequisite_options object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of prerequisites to meet for.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL
proficiencies object[] OPTIONAL

List of proficiencies available when multiclassing.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

proficiency_choices object[] OPTIONAL

List of choices of proficiencies that are given when multiclassing.

desc string OPTIONAL

Description of the choice to be made.

choose number OPTIONAL

Number of items to pick from the list.

type string OPTIONAL

Type of the resources to choose from.

from (circular) OPTIONAL