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Get level resource for a class and level.

Get level resource for a class and level.

Path Parameters
index string REQUIRED

Possible values: [barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock, wizard]

The index of the class to get.

class_level number REQUIRED

Possible values: value ≤ 20



index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

level number OPTIONAL

The number value for the current level object.

ability_score_bonuses number OPTIONAL

Total number of ability score bonuses gained, added from previous levels.

prof_bonus number OPTIONAL

Proficiency bonus for this class at the specified level.

features object[] OPTIONAL

Features automatically gained at this level.

index string OPTIONAL

Resource index for shorthand searching.

name string OPTIONAL

Name of the referenced resource.

url string OPTIONAL

URL of the referenced resource.

updated_at string OPTIONAL

Date and time the resource was last updated.

spellcasting object OPTIONAL

Summary of spells known at this level.

cantrips_known number OPTIONAL
spells_known number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_1 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_2 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_3 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_4 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_5 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_6 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_7 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_8 number OPTIONAL
spell_slots_level_9 number OPTIONAL
class_specific OPTIONAL

Class specific information such as dice values for bard songs and number of warlock invocations.